Teachers in Vienna

Grégory Chevalier

Grégory Chevalier

Grégory Chevalier is a dancer, choreographer, teacher and community maker. Main Researches in Performative Somatic Contact Improvisation, Contact Playfight and Nature Authentic Movement.

Ursula Fink

Ursula Fink

Ursula Fink is a Vienna-based artist & choreographer with a background in contemporary dance, science/psychology and spiritual self developement practices. Sharing contact improvisation as an artform between sensory bodywisdom and physics in movement.

Juli Gabor

Juli Gabor

Juli Gabor is a Holistic Dance Pedagogue, Bachelor in Danish Psychomotor Therapy & Relaxation Pedagogy and Ilan Lev Method Practitioner. She has over 20 years of experience in CI - dancing, teaching and performing internationally.

Inge Kaindlstorfer

Inge Kaindlstorfer

Inge Kaindlstorfer lebt in Wien und unterrichtet seit 1986 Contact- und Ensemble-Improvisation und Komposition, Körperarbeit, Tanz- und Bewegungstechnik, Authentic Movement, u.a. in Wien, Moskau, Odessa, Lissabon, Kap Verde, New York und Bukarest.

Christian Lechner

Christian Lechner

We love passionately Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement and NonViolent Communication. Beginners and advanced dancers are welcome!

Matan Levkowich

Matan Levkowich

contemporary dance and contact improvisation teacher with background in martial arts.

Malcolm Manning

Malcolm Manning

I’ve been dancing CI since 1991 and teaching it since 1994. I research the application of somatics to contemporary dance and teach a regular Tuning Class at TQW one of the major strands of which is Steve Paxton’s Material For The Spine.

Sabine Müller

Sabine Müller

Curious about the body, movement, improvisation, expression, connection and how to share these treasures with the world.

Sabine Parzer

Sabine Parzer

Sabin Parzer ist Leiterin und Gründerin des Holistic Dance Institute (gegründet 2010). Ihre Berufserfahrung umfasst über 30 Jahre als Tänzerin, Choreografin, Pädagogin, Körperarbeiterin, Autorin und Organisatorin in den USA, Europa, Russland, Israel und Brasilien.

Lui Claudia Springer

Lui Claudia Springer

Passionate about the possibilities to learn through movement and dance. Combining Contact Improvisation with the Feldenkrais Method and Authentic Movement.

Lena Turek

Lena Turek

Curious about sensitivity, awareness and movement - connecting the areas of Contact Improvisation, Play Fight and release - based contemporay dance