
These are the regular contact improvisation jams in Vienna. (The not-so-regular ones are listed at the bottom of the page.)
Please double-check the calendar and the external pages before going to the jam!

As different jams have different atmospheres, we suggest to give all of them a try to find out what fits best to your needs and expectations. If you are new to Contact Improvisation, please refer to the 'for beginners'-section.


Most regular jams are now on summer-break until september - but 'Jam im Perform' and 'Sunday-Jam' are continuing troughout the summer! and make sure to check the calendar for special jam-events. (29.06.2024)

Sunday-Jam summer scheldule! From June 2nd, Sunday-Jam starts at 19:00 (opening circle 19:30, entry until 20:30, end 21:30)

We're on telegram now. For those who can't or don't want to check our fb-group, we have started a telegram-chanel where we post all the information from the fb-group. stay updated! t.me/contactimprovisationwien (16.1.2024)

rollingpoint jam

rollingpoint jam


Tuesdays from 18:15 to 20:40 (opening circle at 18:30)


Turnsaal der VS Einsiedlergasse
Einsiedlergasse 7; 1050 Wien
(google maps)

Website: English: rollingpoint.at/..., German: rollingpoint.at/...

Hosted by rollingpoint - Christian Apschner
Fee: 7-12€
Big school gym; music in the 2nd half of the jam
"Special hour" before the jam — one hour class by changing guest teachers.
Basic CI knowledge is required, except on certain dates when there is a beginner intro before the jam.

Jam at ttp WUK

Jam at ttp WUK


every Wednesday 18:45 to 21:30 (start at 19:00)


Währinger Straße 59
1090 Wien
at room "Flieger" - staircase from the courtyard
(google maps)

Website: https://www.wuk.at/angebot/contact-improvisation-jam/

Hosting-team: Juli Gabor, Lucia Schmid and Lena Maya Turek;
Fee: 5-15€
100m²; average 10 dancers
Silent jam
For dancers with solid previous experience in CI.




Thursdays from 18:00 - 20:30 (Entrance until 19:30)(not during school-holidays)


Turnsaal der Volksschule
Schönngasse 2-4
1020 Wien
(google maps)

Website: https://movementlab.eu/weekly-jams

Hosted by Matan Levkowich, Juli Gabor and guest teachers
Fee: 8-10€/sliding scale
120m², wooden floor; average 15-20 dancers
Not recommended for people without any past experience with Contact Improvisation.

Jam im Perform

Jam im Perform


Thursdays from 19:30 - 21:30 (open from 19:15)


PERFORM Studio, Studio Sol Mariahilfer Straße 51
3. Innenhof, Stiege 6
1060 Wien (google maps)

Website: https://www.xn--frhstck-software-kzbd.at/Jam

Hosting Team: Sabine Radlegger, Christoph Ruip, Susanne Aichinger, Helmut Proissl, Erich Frühstück;
fee: 10€
75m², wooden floor; average 5-10 dancers.

Sunday jam

Sunday jam


Sundays from 19:00 to 21:30 (opening circle 19:30, entry until 20:30)


Prana Yoga Studio 1
Mariahilfer Straße 82; 1070 Wien
(google maps)

Hosted by Stefan Prowaznik, Barbara Reschenhofer, Barbara Rappauer, Ingrid Hörlezeder
Fee: 10€-20€
90m², wooden floor.
Music jam; Guided warm up. average 15 dancers.

(This is not the rollingpoint jam which previously took place on Sunday. The rollingpoint jam has moved to Tuesdays.)


Other occasional jams in (and around) Vienna:

See calendar for details!

on some tuesdays